YouTube Channel



After struggling through early motherhood trying to balance babies and a career, I made it my mission to help and empower other working moms! My name is Jen, and I'm so glad you're here. I have a busy career in healthcare and two active kids, and I love to make helpful, positive, and motivating content.

Most of my content is on YouTube, so make sure you check out my videos there, too!

Meet the Team




In case we haven't met, hi!đź‘‹

I'm a millennial mom living in the Midwest with my two teenagers, two dogs, and my husband. I've never not been a full-time working mom, and if I'm being honest, even though it was excruciatingly hard, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I started my YouTube channel because, honestly, I couldn't find many other women like me on social media—women with careers who also had kids and didn't feel guilty about working outside the home! 


I firmly believe that being a working mom is the hardest job in the world.

When I got married at 23 (yes, young!), I always knew that I wanted children. But there was also one thing I knew - that I was not about to quit my job and sacrifice my career just because I had children.

My first pregnancy at 24 ended in a traumatic miscarriage. My daughter was born when I was 25 and spent almost a month in the NICU before coming home. I had 6 weeks of maternity leave, which meant....yep, you guessed it. I got a whopping 2 weeks at home with her before I returned to work.

I developed terrible postpartum depression and didn't get a full night's sleep for a good 6 months. I was working all day, commuting an hour each way, and taking care of an infant. It was literally the most difficult time of my life.

What I really needed was for someone to tell me what I was going through was normal. It's normal to be exhausted and irritable with your partner. 

It's normal not to be able to focus at work because you've been up all night with a baby. It's normal not to love every minute of motherhood. But instead, I felt like a failure. 


Fast-forward many years, and my husband and I are celebrating our 18-year wedding anniversary. My daughter is 14, and we have an 11-year-old son and 2 dogs! Life is much better these days (and I get a lot more sleep).

I've worked in healthcare as a nurse for 18 years and now have my dream job as a consultant. I get to work with incredible people doing meaningful work, and as a bonus, I get to travel to really cool places!

In 2017 I started posting videos on YouTube. I saw a huge content gap and couldn't find many women online who were like me. Since then, my channel has grown to over 137,000 subscribers and I love sharing tips to make working mom life easier!

I'm glad you're here. Please know that if you're a mom, you are truly a superhero! 

“If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”


đź’»Let's stay connected!

I send out value-added emails every week (give or take), and I'd love for you to be on the list! I'll let you know about new videos and any other projects or courses I'm working on.

Fun things are coming, people!🤩

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